M90填补了M40和ARRIMAX 18/12之间的空白,其性能正好位于两者之间。它的对焦范围从15°到49°,只需旋转对焦旋钮。它可带来非常均匀地光场和清晰地阴影。
9000W的灯泡尺寸非常接近6000W的灯泡,这让MAX技术反光碗可以完美适配两种灯泡。一流的外壳和散热设计带来了紧凑的尺寸,几乎接近于ARRISUN 60。
与最新的电子高速镇流器EB 6/9 HS (带自动扫描)搭配的组合代表了最先进的日光光源系统,可以支持高帧率的拍摄,带来高质量的影像。所有EB 6/9 kW镇流器都配备了线缆功率补偿功能(CCL),可以保证即便是较长的电缆也可以将全部功率传输到灯泡。这意味着高亮度输出与电缆再无关联。由于EB 6/9 kW镇流器使用了EB 6000 Baby的外壳,6 kW灯头到镇流器的电缆可兼容使用,整套系统可高效地带来接近传统12 kW镝灯(带透镜)的亮度输出,而尺寸仅有 6kW镝灯系统大小 - 重量上就赢了!
M90 fills the gap between M40 and arrimax 18 / 12, and its performance is just in between. Its focusing range is from 15 ° to 49 °, just rotate the focusing knob. It can bring a very uniform light field and clear shadows.
The design of eliminating distributed lens speeds up the work flow on site.
The 9000W bulb size is very close to the 6000W bulb, which makes the max technology reflective bowl perfect for both bulbs. The state-of-the-art housing and heat dissipation design bring a compact size, almost close to arrisun 60.
The combination with the latest electronic high-speed ballast EB 6 / 9 HS (with automatic scanning) represents the most advanced daylight source system, which can support high frame rate shooting and bring high-quality images. All EB 6 / 9 kW ballasts are equipped with cable power compensation (CCL), which can ensure that even a long cable can transmit all power to the bulb. This means that the high brightness output is no longer associated with the cable. Because the EB 6 / 9 kW ballast uses the shell of EB 6000 baby, the cable from the 6 kW lamp cap to the ballast can be used compatible. The whole system can efficiently approach the brightness output of the traditional 12 kW dysprosium lamp (with lens), and the size is only 6kW dysprosium lamp. The system wins in size and weight!