结合备受宠爱的ALEXA Mini灵动身形与ALEXA LF大画幅影像传感器,ALEXA Mini LF为ARRI大画幅摄影机系统带来更多创意可能。随着SUP 7.0的推出,ALEXA Mini LF如今能够自由纵横大画幅与S35项目。
Combined with the beloved dexterous body of Alexa mini and Alexa lf large frame image sensor, Alexa Mini lf brings more creative possibilities to arri large frame camera system. With the launch of sup 7.0, Alexa Mini lf can now freely cross and cross large frame and S35 projects.
ARRI大画幅摄影机系统由ALEXALF高速摄影机、ALEXA Min LF摄影机、ARRI Signature Prime和Zoom镜头群、LPL镜头卡口及LP LPL镜头转接环构成。两款ARRI大画幅摄影机丰富的功能特性与截然 不同的外形特点满足现场场所有需求。
The arri large frame camera system is composed of alexalf high-speed camera, Alexa min lf camera, arri signature prime and zoom lens group, LPL lens bayonet and LP lens adapter ring. The two arri large frame cameras have rich functional characteristics and different shape characteristics to meet all the needs of the field.